Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday Morning

I'm grateful to be alive today. 

Not so many days ago that wasn't true.  I prayed for relief but the only answer I got was the crushing silence in my head.  At least, that was the answer I heard.  I was so busy hearing that I forgot to see; the real answer was surrounding me like a swarm of honey bees to the hive.  What I didn't see until I was enveloped were my sisters gathering around me with their love and attentions.  They tenderly rebuilt the comb and soon had me anchored once again to life; not in pain but in the sweet honey of sisterly love.  They continue, each in her way, to remind me of the unbreakable connection we share and of the limitless possibilities of life. 

And so as I begin this day, and contemplate the joys it has in store for me,  I am grateful for my sisters.  I am grateful that their gift allows me once again to be grateful to be alive.

In gratitude,


1 comment:

  1. I have always felt that women have a powerful connection with other women...something healing. I can't really explain it. I think it is something that men don't have. I think we, women, have always been healers.
