Friday, November 20, 2009


I decided to start a blog about gratitude, and the things I'm grateful for.  Which as it turns out are the things I love.  And there are a lot of them.  I don't know if I'll post a different thing every day, or if I'll just ruminate on the things I love and my thoughts about them.  We'll see.  I thought this would be an interesting experiment for myself as I go through a couple hundred major transitions in my life, and perhaps there will be someone out there who finds it interesting, too.  And if not, I'll never know or probably care because I'm just as happy talking to myself as I am talking to other people.  Except that I'm actually more comfortable talking to myself because I know I'm not thinking what a goon I am.  But maybe you are.  So I tend to be quiet. 

So, that's my introduction to this blog.  Let's see where it takes us, ok?

My first gratitude:  (and I'm plagiarizing my own Facebook post)

I am grateful to know that healing proceeds whether attended or not; the natural tendency of the body is to recuperate; of the psyche is to achieve balance; of the spirit is to expand inwardly and outwardly. Thank you, God.

And so it is.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, girl! When you get a digital camera, it is pretty easy to upload the photos. Someone can show you and then you'll be off and running! Today is moving day for Jennifer, and Art gave away my beautiful oak desk, 2 filing cabinets, and 2 bookshelves to Hal so I won't have anywhere to put my desktop for a few days! ACK! What will I do???? Have a great Thanksgiving and give the horses a smooch from "Auntie Cheryl"~
